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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Turquia. Mostrar todas las entradas

Melodic Death Metal
Pais: Turquía 

1. Memories Of The Moon
2. Thousand Suns
3. Phthonos
4. Liberty
5. Echoes (Soul Cry)
6. In The Chest
7. Lunar Tears
8. Immortals
9. Distance
10. On My Last Breath


Mithra - Memories Of The Moon (2014)

Melodic Death Metal
Pais: Turquía 

1. Colonizing Utopia
2. Rotten
3. Age of Reason
4. Age of Emotion
5. Serenity
6. Cleansing from the Abhorrance
7. Out of Reach
8. The Guide
9. Divided We Fall


Mithra - Utopia (2015)

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